Third INTEGRActiv meeting

The Third Meeting of the INTEGRActiv project will be held on line this Tuesday 30th May 2023 (15:00 – 17:00 h CET) following the agenda:

  1. Adoption of the agenda.
  2. General information: Midterm report (WP1).
  3. Report of WPs progress: Summary of activities carried out since the beginning of the project
    and status of deliverables (by WP leaders).
    • WP1. Management of the project. Leaders: Catalina Picó and M. Luisa Bonet (UIB-IdISBa)
    • WP2. Development of methodological standards and quality control. Leaders: Jean-François Landrier (AMU) and Joan Ribot (UIB-IdISBa)
    • WP3. Epidemiological platform. Leaders: Empar Lurbe (IPEDITEC) and Paula Oliver (UIB-IdISBa).
    • WP4. Analytical platform. Leaders: Jan Kopecky (IPHYS) and Ana M. Rodríguez (UIB-IdISBa).
    • WP5. Integrated analysis. Leaders: Jean Charles Martin (AMU) and Juana Sánchez (UIB-IdISBa).
    • WP6. Verification and first validation of candidate biomarkers. Leaders: Jaap Keijer (WU-HAP) and Julio Alvarez-Pitti (IPEDITEC).
    • WP7. Translation to the society. Leaders: Francisca Serra and Mariona Palou (UIB-IdISBa).
  4. Approval of the updated version of the Data Management Plan (WP5)
  5. Any other business